The HINTS project, which stands for High Innovative VET for green and digital Transformations, is aimed at enhancing the quality and responsiveness of Vocational Education and Training (VET) in Western Balkans and South-Mediterranean (WB&SM) countries. It aligns with current social development strategies for transitioning to a green and digital economy.

The project supports the implementation of the Economic and Investment Plan in third countries by focusing on skills development. Key outputs and activities of the project include providing policy materials and innovative educational materials, developing a transnational IT platform for best practice exchange, organizing training programs and dissemination events, and supporting the implementation of quality assurance mechanisms and e-learning systems in participating VET providers.

The success of our objectives will be measured by the following factors:

Creating a collaborative network between EU institutions and VET providers in WB&SM countries to enhance green and digital skills for the twin transition.

Reinforcing the capacities of staff and teachers from five VET providers in WB&SM countries through exchanges of good practices, communication, and relevant training programs.

Improving the quality and responsiveness of five VET providers in WB&SM countries by supporting the implementation of appropriate quality assurance mechanisms.

Supporting the implementation of innovative e-learning approaches at five VET providers in WB&SM countries to foster innovation in education for addressing societal challenges.


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