Research & Discover

Partners conduct research to gather the latest information on e-learning, green technologies, and quality assurance in training processes.

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Detailed planning is undertaken to map out the steps necessary for achieving project objectives. This includes developing implementation plans.

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Develop Solutions & Innovate

Consortium partners demonstrate their skills and innovativeness to develop solutions, particularly in creating educational materials for e-learning and green technologies.

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Approve & Implement

Developed materials are reviewed, tested, and approved before implementation. This involves ensuring alignment with European and international standards, addressing uncertainties.

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Enhancing the Quality and Responsiveness of Vocational Education
and Training

The HINTS project, which stands for High Innovative VET for green and digital Transformations, is aimed at enhancing the quality and responsiveness of Vocational Education and Training (VET) in Western Balkans and South-Mediterranean (WB&SM) countries. It aligns with current social development strategies for transitioning to a green and digital economy. The project supports the implementation of the Economic and Investment Plan in third countries by focusing on skills development.

Key outputs and activities of the project include providing policy materials and innovative educational materials, developing a transnational IT platform for best practice exchange, organizing training programs and dissemination events, and supporting the implementation of quality assurance mechanisms and e-learning systems in participating VET providers.


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Project Newsfeed

Here you can find news on the latest developments going on during the HINTS - "High Innovative VET for green and digital Transformations" project.

Online Meeting

Today, 22nd of May 2024, the HINTS - High Innovative VET for Green and Digital Transformations - team came together for one of our periodic online meetings. se sessions are invaluable.

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Kick-Off Meeting

We are happy to share the exhilarating news about the kick-off meeting of the HINTS project, set to take place on the 6th and 7th of March at the ISIM headquarters.

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HINTS | Meet Our Consortium